Wednesday, January 23, 2008

19 degrees!

The funny thing about this blog is that it's called apt256, but to be completely honest, I don't even reside at apt 256 anymore. I know what you loyal fans are thinking, "oh no, please don't change the URL!" no worries, it will stay the same....
As far as other news, Nikki has updated me on her life via facebook and reported that she is still married, phew. She spends most of her day teaching, since that is what she aspires to be, and the rest of her day is spent being a WILF, and by WILF I mean, she cooks Dave meals and looks through Martha Stewart magazines for recipes to cook tomorrow. Other than that, it's in the negative degrees, and Nikki is in no way about to get that base tan that we Oregonians are working on right about now, but praise be to the saints that she is alive and well.
Ashley and Brad are JUST FRIENDS, but we all know how that movie turned out, so stay tuned for news on them. And for me, I guess you could say I am just sitting back and living the American dream. Yeah, Heath Ledger died, and I'm beside myself. But, I encouraged all my teammates to take a day of mourning, since I am a team shepherd and all, but Coach Ohta thought we should mourn otherwise. And by otherwise, I mean pulling the tarp off the field. The shards of glass-like ice were piercing into my skin as I tried to muscle my way around, but I had no luck. We spent a majority of the time trying to break the thick 3 inch thick ice into moveable pieces, but of course, that took far too long. It wasn't until beyond sunset that we got the tarp off and we were in our cars with the heat on full blast. I am currrently recovering from frost-bite and it's a Christmas miracle that I am even able to post this blog today. So, readers, stay safe out there, it's a cold one..
.....This is Batey signing off......


Tres Dorrs said...

gosh, so good to be reading a new update on skinnygirl. Question: i heard about everyones life but sears (which is the most important, so that's odd). Please give us some details about her love life and professional softball offers. Thank you!

babyfetus said...

wow nikki, thanks for including me on that one. it would be nice if you could take one ounce of your time to give a shoutout to me.

on another note, this is the kind of update the readers like. laughed the whole time!