Monday, January 28, 2008

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow...

I am pleased to announce that blogspot informed me that we can now post in Hebrew, Arabic, and Persian... I just heard the news, and want to spread it like wild fire... So, consider it done. However, I think I am going to stick to English.
I know I already posted about pride day, but it appears that we had a pride day phase II that I wasn't properly informed about. The funny thing about it was, it came from left field, and our coaches acted like it was normal... I am not going to comment any more.. but just know, I was rhiled about it.
Anyhow, as far as other news, today has been a good day, we didn't have morning weights, due to weather conditions and school was cancelled as well. Now, school being cancelled is not really a big deal, because well, I am not enrolled in any classes, but for my teammates, I'm happy for them, because I know if I were still pursuing my degree, I'd be excited for a snow day.
Not only was weights and school cancelled, I was also supposed to work last night until 2am, but that got cancelled as well. I didn't know you could cancel work, but cheers to me!
Good news all around, Kacie and Sear are finally off the injured list which means we finally have our whole squad back and healthy. Other news regarding the troops is that there are only 14 of us that are healthy, which makes for pretty slim pickins, and hopefully we don't have anymore injuries. We already have 4 medical red shirts, and don't even get me started about that.....
On a brigheter note, I'm looking forward to heading out to California in a couple weeks to capitolize on my modeling career.. AND play softball.
I haven't been home much to hear about how Ashley is doing but my assumption is that she is well. I mean yeah, a wall and a hallway seperate us but I still feel close to her. Things aren't exactly the same with Nikki gone, but I know she's happy and in love, so that's what helps me sleep at night. But sometimes I just toss and turn at night, wondering what she's doing, if she's ok, if she misses me, stuff like that.. but I'll get through, I will.
Readers, drive safe out there...this is Batey signing off...


babyfetus said...

next blog: how bad the softball pics are.

Tres Dorrs said...

thanks for the heads up on the softball photos. just checked those out. Funny. not a surprise that Lindsay looks like a super model.