Saturday, November 17, 2007

empty calories........who needs 'em?

Who would have known that everyone and their dog was trying to avoid the hustle and bustle of the holiday season shopping, and put all that hustle and bustle in to one day..TODAY. Vikki's was a zoo! I don't know how many times I spritzed our new super model fragrance on a customer in hopes of them deciding to buy it, or how many times I offered up our 3 for 15 deal on lotions. I was trying to be the seasonal manager that everyone knows that I am. I'd like to think that today I attained that goal. But you know what? Just because I attained it, doesn't mean the bar hans't been raised a little higher, and that I am going to quit excelling. It just means I need to work harder. I need to put an extra coat of paint on my fingers, and straighten my hair every day. Yeah it won't come without sacrifice, but does anything you work hard for? no.
My feet were aching by the time I got off work. I was going to wear flats today because I knew it was going to be a long day on my feet, but I couldn't make that mistake again, so heels it was.
I got home absolutely starving, but you know what? I didn't binge, because girls that binge aren't pretty. I had a tomatoe sandwich with cheese and mayo (I know, I'll run later) and a nice cold glass of ice water. I heard drinking ice water burns more calories than regular water, so, for obvious reasons I've been drinking lots of ice water. Ashley offered me some orange juice, but I just looked at her in confusion. She knows those were just empty calories.. ya know, sometimes Ashley acts like she knows about living a life of food deprivation, but when she says stuff like that, it just really makes me question her commitment.
Tomorrow marks another early morning. I'm doing floor set so i'll probably be wearing my corban softball gear, SYKE. you know I only wear that when I have to. Does Coach Ohta actually think those are cute? I wouldn't be caught dead in that sweatsuit in public. Speaking of which, I need to check on that bidding on ebay for that Corban beanie...

This is Batey signing off....

1 comment:

Tres Dorrs said...

this is just like gossip girl. LOVE IT